Personel Transport
We are working with the staff of the company to take the house in the morning and in the evening after the working hours raises the workplace on time, take time contract convey the peaceful and safe home.

Personel Transport
If you know that convey staff to work in the morning happy and satisfied at work will increase business performance, more than the national values and national economy, which will contribute to the employer.

Food & Beverage
Greenhouse production with the concept of boutique catering, home-cooked flavor production. Drawn up in the morning, cooked meals delivered to our customers as the most fresh. Greenhouse, factory production than to focus on flavor. Delicious, hygienic environment without ever compromising on quality service.

Food & Beverage
We provide all of the services of national, international, standards and complying with the legal provisions of the legislation, will hedefliği quality sector to maximize quality, to increase the company's market share and competitiveness.

Work environment, providing security services company in the buildings and sights such as the control input and outputs provide top-notch protection. Our services building security X-ray equipment, such as hand-held detectors and camera control systems provide the latest technology equipment and security control.